Mucking Around & Tech

Muck Around:

I had a muck around session on the 17th May to try a few things out. The only tech I needed to look at was:

– Side Lights

– Foot Lights

– Projection

I tried out the red and gold dots of light for the projection and decided that the gold one looked the best. It looked nice projected on to the black curtain and on my body. The red one did not show up as much and made me feel more like I was trying to create a hell atmosphere instead of the spiritual atmosphere that I am aiming for.

(AA VFX, 2017)

We decided that for the projection to fill the space how I wanted, It would need to be placed on the back middle seat of the seating bank.

After mucking around with the foot lights and side lights for my tag rugby section, I decided that foot lights facing in to the centre either side of me would look the best. I want to give the effect that there are more people on the stage so by using the footlights, I have a shadow either side of me on the curtain behind.


Technical Rehearsal:

The tech on the 19th May went smoothly, everything that I wanted for my performance was able to be done exactly.

I have some sound that I have not mentioned before which are:

– December ’63

(clj29360, 2010)

I chose this for my intro song as it is a song that I have on my workout/feel good playlist.

– Sound of children playing, race countdown and crowd cheering

(Escape Game Walkthrough 遊戲破解, 2015)

(YoutubeWarehouse, 2016)

(Iwan Sounds and DIY, 2015)

I chose these for the primary school sports day.

-In Too Deep

(DruNkNonEXisteNT, 2009)

This is another song that is taken from my workout/feel good Spotify playlist that will be playing during my athletics section as this is a great song to run to.


Here are exactly where my cues for tech will be:


sports day









Works Cited:

AA VFX (2017) 4K 5:00Min. ♥ Shining Bright Stars Bokeh Cycle ♥ 2160p 60fps FREE Motion Background AA VFX. Available from [accessed 5 March 2017].

clj29360 (2010) The Four Seasons – December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) [with lyrics]. Available from [accessed 7 May 2017].

DruNkNonEXisteNT (2009) Sum 41 – In Too Deep (Lyrics). Available from [accessed 7 May 2017].

Escape Game Walkthrough 遊戲破解 (2015) 1 HOUR KIDS PLAYGROUND addictive ambient happy background sound music 小孩 背景音樂 背景聲音 正面能量. Available from [accessed 7 May 2017].

Iwan Sounds and DIY (2015) Crowd Cheering Long Sound Effect [High Quality, Free Download]. Available from [accessed 7 May 2017].

YoutubeWarehouse (2016) Mario Kart Race Countdown – Sound Effect. Available from [accessed 7 May 2017].

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